Thank you so much for continuing to share and to link up – I love to find out about everyone’s weeks in this way, love it!
If you’re new here, Word of the Week is a nice and simple weekly linky, with everyone welcome to pop by and share. You reflect back on the past week and sum it up in one word. Then share your word with us in a blog post, with as little or as much explanation as you like. I comment on and tweet out every post, and it’s a friendly place, so come join in! All that I ask is that if you link up, you link back to me, and visit as many of the other blogs as you can and comment on their words, please.
My word of the week this week is:
OK, yes, this could be my word every week, I suppose, as I’m always proud of my children. But this week, I’ve felt it all the more keenly.
I’m getting used to the new school run morning routine, and I’m impressed with how well the kids have adapted to it and get ready quickly each day. There’s no arguments or struggles, we just get to it. So far, and I know it’s still early days, Boo has been quite content to get to school and every day has happily strolled into her classroom without a backward glance. She comes out cheery each afternoon and she actually tells me what she’s been doing, too, though she informs me she’s not ‘learning’ just playing, a real disappointment to her! She’s adjusted so well, and today will be the first day that she brings homework home to do, which will be a textless book, library book, tricky word book and some phonics work – I cannot tell you how excited she is by this prospect! Oh, to bottle this enthusiasm for homework and remind her of it when she’s 13!
I’m finding myself really enjoying and adjusting to my days spent with Little Man. He’s taken to this one to one time so well, and he’s suddenly got a social life with 2 classes and a playgroup each week, which he’s not had before, as I used Boo’s non preschool days for time for the three of us to get out together or play at home. He is blossoming already, which clearly makes me feel a bad mum as he must have been itching for this before. He’s now been to 4 classes and 1 playgroup session and the change that I can already see in him when we’re out, the way that he’s interacting with the children around him and joining in with the activities, is just huge. Last week he stuck right by me, but this week, he’s getting involved. I was used to taking Boo to these things, who simply leapt right into everything she did, so this has been a change for me. Of course, I can see that as he is relaxing into these new environments and situations, he’s also becoming more mischievous – he’s the child trying to work out how to open all the doors or mess with the equipment wherever we go! It makes me so proud of him all the same as I can see him flourishing.
So separately they are making me proud, and then it seems I’d no need to worry about their close bond weakening with Boo at school, as together they are just brilliant. They’ve come back from school each night this week and gone straight out into the garden. As I ready dinner, I can hear them playing in their make believe world together, or in fits of laughter as they jump and dive on the trampoline. They get on so well, they make me so proud.
I’m also quite proud of myself as I am, I think and hope, striking a better balance between life and blogging. I work in fairly well-defined slots of time now, and outside of that, I’m all about the kids and home. Prior to this, I sort of drifted from one thing to the other, and it was all a little fluid, which often meant I wasn’t fully concentrating on one or the other! But since Boo started school, I’m getting a routine in place and it’s working. I’m fitting in more with the kids and I’m a week ahead on scheduling posts. Fingers crossed it continues!
What about you? What one word sums up your week best? Please grab the badge, link up and share.

Linky opens at 6.30am Friday, to midnight on Sunday.
Ahhh that sounds like such a good balance and like you’ve all settled into new routines. I think it’s one of the biggest daunting times when our little ones start new places and I’m dreading it a bit. It definitely seems like your little girl is loving it though 🙂
I didn’t want her to go and leave us, but she was delighted to do so! Glad she’s so happy and settled there already 🙂
Excellent. I love the word proud and I don’t think it can ever be overused when it comes to describing how we feel about our children. Sounds like it’s been a learning week for you as well. Also glad to hear that you are proud of yourself. I don’t think we do that enough as mothers.
I think you’re quite right. It’s a tough one as we don’t like to ‘brag’ but sometimes that pride just gets you!
What a lovely, uplifting post 😀 You’re a lucky lady 😀 XXX
Thank you! They’re beautiful 🙂 x
That’s a wonderful word to sum up your week. So glad that you are all adjusting so well to Boo starting school, that Little Man is enjoying various groups and that the new routine is working so well for you too. Sounds like you definitely have plenty to be proud of this week. Hope you have a lovely weekend x
I have indeed, and I’m enjoying it while it lasts! Thank you, you, too x
There is nothing nicer than for our children to make us proud and I am so pleased this is your word of the week. Our younger son started secondary school this term and so far he’s doing great and I am so proud of him . However, something else has completely taken over our time this week … computers!
Oh, I’m often proud, but it felt all encompassing this week! So pleased your son’s doing well, too x
Well done for being so organised! Glad she’s getting on so well and taking it all in her stride. How lovely x
Sorry for my short & rather downbeat post I’ve linked up x
I’m feeling good! How long it will last…?!
Great word to sum up your week, I find getting the blog balance difficult and just retreat at times, which I shouldn’t really.
Anyway, all linked up, have a fab weekend x
It can be hard, but I feel I’m making some progress now, after a year of it! Thanks, you, too x
How lovely. What you’re describing with Little Man is almost exactly how I felt and what happened with my little boy too. Maybe it’s something to do with second children? Either way, it’s wonderful to hear about them both flourishing, and you too 🙂
It probably is, poor things! Yes, we’re all getting there! Thanks x
Sounds fantastic Jocelyn. Great #WotW. The girls always make me proud too. Just some challenging times ahead as they grow up, finding their place in their new schools and finding their independence….
Sa xXx
Oh, no doubt! Thanks x
Sounds like you are all doing brilliantly with the new school routine and change of lifestyle. It’s so lovely when everything falls into place like this. I would be very proud too! x
I’ve been surprised really, and the time goes by so quickly, too. I’m sure there’ll be plenty of bumps in the road ahead, but for now, I’ll take this! x
Well done for finding that work-life balance. It is nice when you manage to put things into little compartments and fully enjoy each aspect of your life fully! Boo seems to be really thriving at school, bless her! x
Yes, that’s it exactly – the perfect compartments for work has made everything else feel easier and more enjoyable. She loves it! x
How lovely to hear- children never fail to amaze x
Nope, they’re wonderful 🙂 x
It’s a lovely feeling isn’t it, to be proud of our kids? 🙂 I’m also proud that little T has finally settled in school – no more tears! 🙂 Yay! #wotw.
Oh, definitely. So pleased that Little T’s settled now, too 🙂 x
Ahhh, I am glad! It sounds like you have got a lot to be proud of x
I think so 🙂 x
Proud’s a great word, glad you are all enjoying the changes right now. And if you could bolt that enthusiasm I reckon this time next year you’d be a millionaire…. 🙂
Oh yes, if only! Thanks x
I’d be proud of all those things too! What a wonderful achievement for all of you. Have a nice weekend!
Thanks very much! I’m savouring it while I can! You, too x
Wow you are ahead with posts! Well done. I am still trying to get that balance but once the twins start nursery next year I will have more if a routine with everything. You have every reason to feel proud 🙂 have a lovely weekend x
Yep, though it can all come crashing down as I go through days of not feeling like writing, so before I know it, I’ve caught up! Thanks, and have a good one, too x
So glad you are all settling in to your new routines. Sounds like Little Man is completely embracing his solo playtimes too.
If you manage to find a suitable way to bottle the enthusiasm please let me know 🙂
He’s loving it, which is just gorgeous to see. Oh, if only..! x
Lovely that they get on so well, you’re very right to be proud 🙂 That’s lovely that you’re getting a better life/blog balance, it’s something I hope/long for. This was a post that made me smile, really lovely! x
Ah, that’s so lovely to hear, thank you. They do get on well, which means so much to me. And yes, it feels like I’m getting there, I just hope I can sustain it! x
Aww! It sounds like you have every reason to be proud!! It sounds like they get on so well!!
Thanks, Kim, they really do! x
It’s great when the kids settle so well isn’t it, you certainly have a lot to be proud of. I need to work on my blog/work/life balance, any tips????
I’ve been so pleased with how they’re both doing. I found working in clearly defined times works best for me, and then I dip in and out of social media in any spare seconds! X
What a lovely post to read. So pleased that everything is going so well. I so need to try and balance the blog stuff again, I was good over the summer, but falling back into bad habits now 🙂
It’s so easy to do so, I think. I’m being strict with myself! X
Sounds like they’re both getting on brilliantly! It must be great to have the time to spend with Little Man – I take it for granted a bit with Arthur I think when we go off to his groups together. He gets so much out of it but I do sometimes wonder how I’ll manage if another comes along… I guess like everything else you just work it out when it comes to it! x
Yep, you just do! I had that with Boo, and it is great to concentrate on the one, so I’m enjoying getting some time now with Little Man x
I think routine really helps everyone, doesn’t it? I find that I’m much more focused and motivated myself during term time (I always put this down to being a teacher, whose brain only functioned between September and June!) So glad that Boo is getting on well at school Jocelyn. It definitely makes it easier when they are happy, and I’m sure Little Man is just loving his mornings with you! Xxx
I think so, yes. She is loving school – we’ve just done her first batch of homework and she was thrilled with it all! Little Man is a very happy little one 🙂 Thanks x
What a fabulous word! Glad things are going so well. I need a better balance that’s for sure x
Thanks, Aby. Oh, it is hard to get it! x
It sounds like you have a lot to be proud of. I hope this is me next year when Lil G tootles off to school. Thankfully the routine side we have nailed with him being at nursery & me working FT. I am glad that is one less thing to worry about. It’s adorable that you are getting to have some quality time with your littlest. I used to love all the classes and play groups. Enjoy seeing him flourish. x
Thank you. I do hope that Lil G settles just as well. I’m loving the groups with Little Man – watching him enjoying himself and learning is wonderful x
Such a lovely word, and post xx
Thank you, Leigh xx
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You have good reason to be proud of your children and of yourself. They wouldn’t find it so easy to settle if it weren’t for you being a brilliant Mum! If you had taken Little Man to classes any earlier he may not have been ready, so I think you have done it the right way as at least it’s a positive experience for him.
As for Boo, it is funny that she thinks that she is only playing. Finding learning fun is always the best way and I would make a short video tape of her excitement at getting homework just to show here when she is thirteen!
Thank you for hosting WotW!
Thank you so much, I am so proud of the people that they are blossoming into. You may be right about the classes, too, and I think he’d have hidden in his sister’s shadow, whereas this way it’s all about him. Liking your video idea! Thanks x
Well Done Boo
So glad your enjoying school.
Thank you! x
It sounds to me as though you have every reason to be proud! How wonderful that they’re both flourishing in the new routines. And how jealous am I that you have time to schedule posts ahead?! I’m already days behind just on reading and commenting!
It’s so lovely to see. And yes, get me! Good job, though, as I’ve not felt like writing for a few days!
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