It’s May already! I’ve been sharing my weekly word for 4 months now, as have many of you, so thank you for continuing to link up. I love reading everyone’s chosen words, and it’s great to see so many familiar linkers, as well as new ones each week. It is a linky, so do please take the time to visit a few other posts if you link up.
If you’re new here, Word of the Week is a nice and simple weekly linky, with everyone welcome to pop by and share. You reflect back on the past week and sum it up in one word. Then share your word with us in a blog post, with as little or as much explanation as you like. Come join in! My word of the week this week is:
It’s been an odd week, and one of those where I really appreciate doing Word of the Week, as it makes me stop and have a good think about it all. My word was initially going to be something along the lines of ‘fraught’ as it’s been frustrating in many ways, with overtired and clingy kids, a teething son, the dishwasher breaking and then arranging the replacement – a palaver that I will not bore you with, hassles with utilities to sort out, lots to do. You know those weeks where everything seems hard? Yep, one of those! But, on reflection, I think ‘blogging’ sums it all up better, and is a lot more positive!
Now, I accept that this could be a word I’d use every week, as I certainly do a lot of it! This week, though, saw me attend my first blog conference and meet lots of lovely bloggers, as well as take away copious notes and inspiration from it. It’s been pretty busy with some great give-aways (did you see my John Lewis voucher give-away? That is going well!), as well as some fabulous guest posts, and my own, of course! I’ve signed up to be part of International Blog Swap Day, organised by Tots100, and have been chatting to the fabulous Melissa over in Australia about our swap, so more on that soon. Boo won a competition this week (she is SO happy!), bagging herself £50 of Galt arts and crafts goodies, which was actually a tweeted picture, rather than a blog post, but I found out about it via a blog PR email. I’ve been writing a lot of posts, as well as running 3 linkys this week – very busy! My usual #WotW, The Theme Game, and the first ever monthly Papery Peep, too. I also sent my first monthly blog newsletter, with a round up of happenings and highlights here at The Reading Residence. So, yes, I’m going with the decidedly better ‘blogging ‘over ‘fraught’, though I admit that blogging may have added to my ‘fraught’ week, too!
What about you? What one word sums up your week best? Grab the badge, link up and share, and do please take the time to read a few others…

Linky opens at 6.30am Friday, to midnight on Sunday.
I still don’t know how you do it! What a busy week! Congratulations to Boo for her prize too – she must have been thrilled! Hope you manage some downtime over the weekend x
She’s so excited, thanks! Hoping to have a couple of outings over the weekend, so should be good 🙂
I’ve had weeks where blogging has been the one thing keeping me sane, so can relate massively to this! Hope next week is better al round. Lots to look forward to on the blog, looking forward to the swap with Melissa & Doug – LOVE those guys 🙂
Yes, keeps me sane, too! Sorry to disappoint, but it’s an Oz mum blogger, Melissa, not the company, though I can assure you she’s fab 🙂
Ha! I read that as Melissa & Doug, mainly I think because you’d been talking about Galt in the same paragraph. In my defence I’ve only had about four hours sleep 😉
A fair defence! Hope you get some rest today x
Hi Jocelyn,
I have just liked and my WotW is ‘tourists. Great word for you this week. I have signed in for the Blog Swap Day, too, but have not heard yet. Exciting, isn’t it? Sorry your dishwasher broke. What a pain when one of those al-important appliances give up on us… x Mel
It was an annoyance, but after much hassle, the new one is in and ready, so fingers crossed it’ll work for me today! X
Wow, that is a busy week. I have no idea how you keep up with 3 pinky’s, I barely keep up with my 1!
Sorry I didn’t get to meet you at Blog camp, are you going to Britmums live?
It hasn’t been easy! No, not going to Britmums. Maybe next year!
I don’t know how you fit in all the blogging with kids and work!! Quite amazing 🙂 well done to Boo too x
I’m not sure either! Thank you x
Sounds like a busy week! Well done Boo x
Yep! Thank you x
What a busy week! I hope you have a lovely relaxing week next week x
Me, too! X
All linked up! Thanks for hosting hun! And three linkys a week! Jeez…I find it hard with just one and then me and a friend kick start a brand new one each Saturday {starting tomorrow!} Hats off to you lady! lol xx
Lovely! It’s only once a month, so I can handle it!
Busy busy!
I wasn’t aware of the blog swap thing – sometimes I think I’m doing this blogging thing all wrong and I’m too disorganised to ever make it work, but other times I reconcile myself to the fact that I enjoy writing and sharing and at least a handful of people seem to like to read too! I’m not sure how you and others do it (other than by being super organised!) but maybe I’ll get on top of it when JJ (and probably EJ too!) are at school!! In the meantime I will continue to enjoy reading and commenting on what I can including your lovely blog! X
You’re not doing it wrong at all – I love your blog! It’s hard, and never enough hours in the day, really, yet we still do it, don’t we?!
Wow you have been soooo busy! But what a great word 🙂 have a lovely week x all linked up x
Great word, busy week! X
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I’m doing the blog swap day too, just found out. Quite excited but absolutely no idea what to write! I’m still to actually look at my notes from Saturday too, although sone of it has been subconsciously creeping in because I have done a few things and found myself thinking about the day whilst doing it.
I do hope next week is a little less fraught 🙂
Yes, it does sneak in to a few things I’ve done, but I’ve so much more to do! Thank you x
Congratulations on the win! I bet she’s so excited! Sounds like another very busy week!
She’s very happy, thanks!
Gosh what a busy week and sounds a bit up and down! Sorry for the fraught side of things but the blogging side of things, wow! You are such a busy bee and I don’t quite know how you do it! Glad to hear the conference was good though! xx
Always busy. Multitasking could be my word every week! Thanks x
I feel knackered just reading about your week! Where do you find the time? It sounds amazing though and well done to Boo on the win #WotW
I squeeze out every second of my day and make it count! Thank you 🙂
What a busy week!! Sounds like you have had a lot going on!
Fab word x
Yep! Hoping for a fun filled weekend 🙂
Oh my goodness, what a week, think I might have lost my marbles with all that going on!
Marbles are pretty much in tact…I think!
You’ve had an AWESOME blogging week! Sounds like you are a mile a minute at the moment, but all for good reasons – forget the fraught, bring on the blogging!
I’ll try!
A busy time for you and yes, Blogging is a much better choice.
Only just linked up, word very apt for my week!
Enjoy the long weekend x
It’s all round nicer 🙂 Thanks for linking & have a fab weekend yourself x
Sad I had to drop out of blog camp and missed you. I’ve got a partner for blog swop day too, it’s so interesting seeing how their lives are so very different isn’t it?
Yes, I’m really enjoying getting to know her x
Another great week for you, all very exciting! Although I suspect I would have found it all rather fraught too 🙂 Well done to Boo x
It was a little challenging! Thank you x
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Pingback: The Word of the Week is DRESSES | My Sweet Peanut
Wow sounds like a very busy but exciting week x
It was! Hoping for a quieter one now 🙂
Pingback: Word of the Week #18 | Mummy's to do list
Great word and much more upbeat then fraught. My week has been more of your first choice and less of the latter I’m afraid but hoping this next one will see that reversed somewhat. Love reading your blog and seeing what you’re up to as there’s always so much going on. I do wonder when you sleep though!
Ha ha – I squeeze a little in!
Olivia said thank you for letting her join up and that you sound like a very busy and great blogger!
She’s very welcome, and I am busy!
Blogging is such a good word esp when you get those weeks where everything comes together, and it clearly has for you! I think your blog is spot in, inspiring, interesting and entertaining. So although it may be fraught for you (at times!!) it is well received by others. Thnx for the Linky
Oh, that is so lovely of you to say, and makes the fraught weeks worthwhile. Thank you x
I’d say you’ve definitely been blogging this week (last week rather as I’m behind on commenting, again!) & blogging well…amazed & impressed that you don’t run out of steam! 🙂 x
I’m full to the brim of steam here!
Jocelyn, your commitment and energy never fail to amaze me. You put me to shame lovely lady! It’s so clear the passion that you have for blogging, and such a talent too. It’s something that I really aspire to! Xx
So nice of you to say. I think I should be honest and call it more of an addiction 😉