Word of the Week – 27/6/14

Thank you so much for continuing to share and to link up. I love reading everyone’s chosen words, and it’s great to see so many familiar linkers, as well as new ones each week.

If you’re new here, Word of the Week is a nice and simple weekly linky, with everyone welcome to pop by and share. You reflect back on the past week and sum it up in one word. Then share your word with us in a blog post, with as little or as much explanation as you like. Come join in! All that I ask is that if you link up, you link back to me, and visit as many of the other blogs as you can and comment on their words.

My word of the week this week is:


This one’s for both of my children this week. Boo had her first settling in session at school, readying her for her reception class in September. She absolutely loved it, as I’d suspected she would, though if you read my post here, you’ll know how sad about it all I am. It was great to see her so happy about it and she’s now desperate to start. I have her uniform and bags all ready, and I’ve even got her snack boxes labelled up! She is becoming more independent all of the time, and is ready for this next step. And as for Little Man? Well, he has been striving for independence. Yep, the Terrible Twos are starting to hit (despite him only just coming up to 22 months old). He MUST climb into the car himself, and then stand in the foot-well for an age before I cajole him to climb in to his seat or manhandle him in! He likes to put his own top on, reach for his own snack, be free of his high-chair as soon as he has eaten, will only deign to travel in a trolley if mollified, and will lie on the floor in public and refuse to move at the most inconvenient of times! He speaks more and more now, too, so happily uses his words and shouts to assert his opinions and desires. So yes, he is finding that he is independent from me, and wants to test just how much he can be, at every possible opportunity. Good times!

What about you? What one word sums up your week best? Please grab the badge, link up and share…..

The Reading Residence

Linky opens at 6.30am Friday, to midnight on Sunday.

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62 thoughts on “Word of the Week – 27/6/14”

  1. It’s lovely when they start ‘growing up’ but man is it bittersweet. I’m sure you’ll cope well with the changes though. Look forward to hearing about how Boo gets on at school later in the year xx

  2. I understand you being sad, I was with my older two but at least she’s ready and not screaming that she doesn’t want to go, I imagine that would be far worse.
    Harry is exactly the same as little man! He’s also hit those terrible twos two months early, it’s hard work! X #WotW

  3. As Mummy Tries says, this stage is so bittersweet. They are growing up too fast, but it’s also exciting. As for the terrible twos… I feel your pain 🙂 I’m supervising the movers today (!) so I’ll be back later to read and comment x

  4. Bittersweet is the word that came to my mind too! It’s fantastic to see them developing independence – even when it comes with bolshiness as we’re starting to get with Arthur at only 18 months (“I’ll do it my way or I won’t do it at all…”. Brilliant that Boo’s looking forward to school so much. But just so scary how quickly they grow up! X

  5. Great word, when they become teenagers independence is a daily struggle, usually me wishing they would actually do something for themselves

  6. So pleased the settling in session went well. A has his pre school one next month nerve wracking! But exciting. Those terrible twos are sent to break you are t they, hold right haha!xx

  7. Independence comes with a price doesn’t it in parenting terms?! Glad Boo enjoyed her settling in session-makes it easier for you too I think knowing how excited she is xx

  8. Wow, you are one organised lady! I cannot believe you already have everything labelled for Boo for September. When Crevette started reception, I was worried he would have a growth spurt (he did not!) so I bought everything in August (not a good idea. Never again!). As for your little man, not too bad starting the terrible twos at 22 months. My little Jumpy started a few months ago, and she is only 19 months old… oh well! x Mel

  9. Awww I feel your pain, while it’s lovely to watch them grow and develop their own personality it’s so sad that they don’t need us as much. It must be very comforting to know Boo is going to take to school so well 🙂

  10. These children grow up so quickly – and agree with the other comments that whilst wanting to becoming independent is a good thing for our children, it is very bittersweet for us as parents. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could just slow time down sometimes?

  11. I felt really sad when my youngest became so independent, hes now a fully functioning pre schooler. No buggy, no nappies, bossing me around! First time in 10 yrs I have had no child fully reliant on me!

    1. Jocelyn Reading

      I was only saying the other day how strange it will be when Little Man outgrows the pushchair – I’d have been used to it for 6 years consecutively!

  12. Aww independent on 2 very different senses then! Bit more positive for Boo (though sad) and sounds like Little Man is going through a challenging phase, which is good and bad in equal ways. Good that he wants to do things for himself and put his top on himself etc.. less fun that he decides to assert is independence by lying on the floor! xx #wotw

  13. Oh no not the terrible 2’s 🙁 but super glad your little girl is excited for school and your on the ball. I haven’t even start the school shopping yet. #wotw

  14. oohhh terrible twos good luck with that! I know it must be sad for you with Boo ready to go to school but so nice she was ok with it. Independence seems like a fitting word for them both!

  15. Independence, yes I remember those days well. My daughter is so independent and has been for a long time, she is 3 going on 13 but she still loves a cuddle. Starting school is a big time for everyone, especially mum. Hope she’s settling in well 🙂

    1. Jocelyn Reading

      Oh yes, my daughter was tough at 3, though she is a bit better at 4! She loved her session, so I’m hoping she’ll be fine, thank you x

  16. Awwww! It’s so difficult.
    I almost cried just because mine refused to cry.
    Seren just tottered off on her first day of reception, the teacher suggested she might want to say “goodbye” to her mum.
    The boys, well, they only agreed to toilet train so they could go to nursery school.
    I know they love me, but it would be nice if they could be excited and at the same time show they might miss me just a teeny bit 😉
    Wrongly, for Boo not you, I hope your September is like mine. x

    1. Jocelyn Reading

      My daughter was like that at her session this week, and is always like it at preschool – never a backward glance!

  17. This could be the word of the week every week in our house at the moment! Good to see them grow though.

    Linking in for first time and looking forward to finding some new blogs x

  18. I’m sure she’ll love Reception! I can relate to the terrible twos and the need for independence- it can be lovely but it can also be really, really trying!

  19. Oh I can relate! I was more nervous about Chalk starting school than he was. He was so ready for it. As for the early terrible 2’s I found Cheese was a lot more independent at that age than his brother, mainly because of watching his big brother.

    1. Jocelyn Reading

      Yes, that’s exactly it! Little Man watches his sister & then wants to copy everything she does!

  20. I could have sworn I commented on this already, but can’t see it, so just in case…
    Really glad to hear she’s so excited by what’s ahead – although it’s bittersweet, I would much prefer them to go off willingly than have to leave them kicking and screaming not to be left.
    As for the terrible twos – we are just about to enter the trying threes. From what I remember with Bunny, they were worse!! Good luck with what’s ahead – sounds like your little independent man will make you need it! x

    1. Jocelyn Reading

      Yes, you’re so right, she is happy to be going, so I’ll adjust!
      Boo didn’t really go through the Terrible 2’s, but yes, 3 was harder! Good luck! x

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