Word of the Week – 28/11/14

Thank you #WotW linkers! Great to have you joining us. If you’re new here, Word of the Week is a nice and simple weekly linky, with everyone welcome to pop by and share. You reflect back on the past week and sum it up in one word. Then share your word with us in a blog post, with as little or as much explanation as you like. I comment on and tweet out every post, as long as you add my #WotW badge or a link back to here. It’s a fun and friendly linky, so please do be lovely and visit as many of the other blogs as you can and share with them your thoughts on their words and weeks.

My word of the week this week is:


Last weekend saw us kick off festivities with not one, but two visits to see Santa. Needless to say, the children were full of excited expectations, and since their meetings, they now have very clear gift expectations!

Speaking of the visits, our first was to the now infamous The Magical Journey. To say that expectations about this event were high is something of an understatement and to say that expectations weren’t met hardly covers it! It’s been all over the news this week, and as such, it’s also ended up being my highest viewed blog post and I had the BBC and Have I Got News For You contact me about it, so not an average week for me! To be fair, as you’ll see in my blog post there, Little Man and Boo were perfectly happy with it, which is what matters most to me.

And then there has been the expectations all week that I have about today. We’re having new windows fitted all over the house today. I’m looking forward to the added warmth, the improved sound-proofing and how they’ll look. I’ve also been planning what I need to take with me out of the house as we’re kind of banished from here for the day, what with the drafts and the noise, it’s not a great place for Little Man to be.

So yes, expectations and anticipation all round!

What about you? What one word sums up your week best? Please grab the badge, link up and share. If the linky’s messing about, select the ‘generic’ image and it should allow you to enter then. Have tried wrangling with it and improving it, but it’s just not playing ball today!

The Reading Residence

Linky opens at 6.30am Friday, to midnight on Sunday.

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40 thoughts on “Word of the Week – 28/11/14”

  1. Sounds like an eventful week! Hope the window fitting goes well today and that you and Little Man manage to stay occupied whilst being banished from the house x

  2. An action packed week indeed. I hope today goes ok. I saw your post. Very balanced. I don’t know the event you are talking about. It’s disappointing when things don’t meet expectations. We find we have to choose our outings wisely so as not to waste pennies. Have a lovely weekend in your new, warm and sound prooof house! x

  3. Anticipation is definitely building for Christmas here – though whilst Arthur knows something’s going on I don’t think he’s quite sure what to expect! Good luck with the window fitting. It’ll be lovely to be all warm and cosy for the festive season

  4. It sounds as if you’ve had a really exciting week Jocelyn! The children are now full of Christmas expectations (no pressure there!).

    It must be really exciting to be contacted by the BBC and Have I Got News For You! I wouldn’t have a clue what to do if anyone like that contacted me!

    Having new windows fitted must be an inconvenience, but image how nice your house will look for Christmas.

    Thank you for hosting #WotW.

    1. Oh, I didn’t actually help them, just contacted by them! I was too concerned about things getting twisted, so I declined. It was actually surprisingly brilliant. Left them to it for just a few hours and then they called to say all done, and that was that! Phew! x

  5. Oooh can’t wait to catch up with your cadburys post and find out about ‘the magical journey’ thanks as always for hosting. Love this linky x have a fab weekend x

    1. We enjoyed both, though there was a fair bit more controversy around The Magical Journey! Ah, thanks for saying so, I love it, too 🙂 You, too x

  6. Gosh, not an average week for most people I’d imagine! How exciting to be contacted by the BBC…so should I expect to see a clip of you on HIGNFY when I watch tonight on iPlayer?!
    New improvements to the home are always so very exciting and something as big as new windows is worth getting excited about! Hope it goes well

  7. Hi Jocelyn!

    Sounds like the week was not only exciting for you but for the kiddos as well with not one but two trips to see Santa! I am sure they were so delighted to do so…how fun for you all.

    I hope all went well with the window fitting as I remember all to well what an experience it was for me in the dead of a Midwestern winter here in the U.S. Not fun or warm at all.

    Thank you for hosting #WotW as it is one of my favorite blog hops/linky to participate in. Wishing you a very lovely Sunday.


    1. They’ve loved it! Yes, the windows were fab, really fast and they look lovely, thanks. And thank you, that’s such a lovely thing to hear x

      1. Glad to hear that the windows were installed quickly and that they look lovely. What a relief that must be for you. And you are very welcome, I only speak the truth. I love pondering on what my word will be each week and have even picked up the thesaurus a few times to find the perfect word for my week, something I haven’t done since I was in college! 😉

        Wishing you an amazing week.


  8. I hope the window fitting went well. It’s a shame about the magical journey experience, though exiting being contacted by the news etc.
    Sorry it’s taken me so long to pop back to comment and read, time ran away from me on fri.

    1. No worries at all, thanks for commenting. It did go well, they’re fab. The kids were happy with The Magical Journey anyway, so all was well x

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