Hello and welcome to Word of the Week! It’s that time again where I sum up my week in a word, and invite others to do the same. I do enjoy pausing and thinking back over my week, and looking for an overriding theme. And I thank those of you that take the time to do the same and then link up with me here. It’s a pleasure to have you all.
If you’re new here, Word of the Week is a nice and simple weekly linky, with everyone welcome to pop by and share. You reflect back on the past week and sum it up in one word. Then share your word with us in a blog post, with as little or as much explanation as you like. It’s a fun and friendly linky, so please do be lovely and visit as many of the other blogs as you can and share with them your thoughts on their words and weeks. I do comment on every entry to the linky, and if you add the Word of the Week badge to your post to help spread the ‘word’, I also tweet them out.
My word of the week this week is:
It’s been a good week for getting things done. You know, those niggling things, some big, some small, that I needed to get round to. Well, at last, this week I have! So in no particular order…
– I started running – hooray! For exercise, that is, and it’s still at the stage where my entire body aches.
– Boo had her first swimming lesson. Getting her swimming has been on my radar for a long time since she had a disastrous start as a toddler and hated her swim lessons. It’s just been a case of trying to find a suitable time, the right class and the right venue. Fortunately, one of her friend’s mums mentioned that her son was starting on Saturday and it was perfect for us, so I booked her straight in last week, and she went to her first lesson on Saturday. She loved it! It was so lovely to see her enjoying it, and I feel like a huge box has been ticked there.
– We bought and installed a new post box. Well, the Husband installed it. After living here for nearly ten years, it finally happened. I lost the post box key! I searched high and low before conceding that I may have thrown it in the bin, so a new one was ordered, it is now up so I needn’t fear the postman wedging a huge envelope in the old one and blocking up my post supply, and I have a spare key, too!
– I’ve given the bathroom a makeover. We had our bathroom refitted several years ago, and though I still like it, it’s been looking a little tired. So this week, we ordered some new flooring, which has already been fitted, and got a few new accessories and shelving up, along with the excitement of digging out the old sealant (how do you keep mould off those things?) and redoing it so it all looks sparkly clean and fresh again.
– I finally, finally, completed my tax return! Yes, I left it a little late and it actually didn’t take me long to do either, but I’d been putting it off, and now it is done.
– I arranged several lovely blog give-aways for you all. I love treating my readers, so I’d been meaning to sort this at the start of the month, but I got there in the end, and there are now several running here – do take a peek!
Of course, all of this productivity has me yearning to get more things done, so my list continues to grow…!
What about you? What one word sums up your week best? Please grab the badge, link up and share.

Linky opens at 6.30am Friday, to midnight on Sunday.
wow you have been busy! I would love to get into running but my hub works away so much! Yay for letterboxes and bathroom make overs and hope Boos swimming goes well xxx
My husband’s had a week of working late, so I’ve struggled to run more, too – I will get going! Thanks x
It certainly sounds like you have had a very productive week, long may the productivity continue!
I would love to start my children at swimming lessons, they have never been swimming before at all and I feel awful about that. I don’t want them starting school swimming lessons in a few years time and being the only children who can’t swim!
Good luck with the running, I’m trying to get back in to running too but it’s so painful at the moment!
Exactly, that’s what I’m trying to avoid, too. It was so lucky to have found this swim school, and she’s really looking forward to going again tomorrow 🙂 x
Aaaà h that’s lovely that you’ve managed to have such a productive week and that you’ve even managed to start up running. Well done on completing your tax returns. I hope Boo continues to enjoy her swimming lessons. Xx
Thanks very much, I’m hoping she will 🙂 x
Very appropriate word for your week.
Well done on the bathroom, the tax return and esp the running.
Have a fab weekend x
I was pleased to get bits and bobs done! Thanks, you, too x
Wow that is certainly an amazingly productive week – well done for getting so much done, it’s such a satisfying feeling isn’t it? Thanks for hosting as always, lovely to link up again 🙂
A great feeling! I hope I can have another good one! Lovely to have you joining in x
You don’t hang about do you! Can you come over here and chivvy me along too?! I can recommend “HG Bathroom Mould Spray” from Lakeland. It’s brilliant at cleaning up mould-just don’t get it on your clothes (which I ‘may’ have done and consequently ruined a pair of trousers…) x
Thank you so much – I will definitely try that! And I’ll be cautious…! xx
Well done on the running. I need to get H back into swimming. We tried classes when he was a baby but he HATED it. He loves the water but we haven’t done anything structured in long time! Have a lovely weekend x
Yep, Boo hated it, too, but she was very happy last week, so I’m hoping that continues! Thanks, you, too x
You have been busy….It sounds like you have got loads done! Well done!
So glad Boo’s swimming lesson went well….
Thanks, as am I! x
Sounds like you’ve had a good satisfying week. Good luck with the running, I am still running, but it’s been so cold lately, I am struggling.
I know – and now we’ve snow here today so I won’t go out tonight for fear of slipping over! x
Would you like to come to my house and be productive here? 😛
Ha ha – thanks for the gracious invitation 😉 x
Sounds very busy – but it’s nice to get things crossed off your list isn’t it? Thanks for hosting x
Yep, I do love a list! x
Oh I love home make-overs! Congratulations on taking up running. I used to run in the past and I’ve been thinking of doing it again, but my ankle has never really fully healed! Besides, it is too hilly in Bos. If I were younger and had better ankles, I’d probably go for it too 🙂 #wotw.
Well, we’ll have to see how long my body copes with it all! x
Wow that does sound like a productive week! I’m still chipping away at my epic to do lists, but it definitely feels like the more I do the more jobs there are… I need a week like yours to really make some progress… x
Ah, I do still have a huge to-do list! x
Wow! I feel tired just reading that! Well done on the running #wotw
Thank you!
Wow very productive indeed! Wish my renovations / updating went so quick! Do you have any bathroom make-over pictures?
It has been! Nope, not taken any actually – not like me!
Such a great word and so many things done. It feels great to tick things off!
It really does! I must do more!
Hi my lovely! I’m so sorry I haven’t linked in ages. Life has really got in the way in the past few months, but I feel all motivated today. Can’t wait to see what everyone’s been up to. You certainly have been productive, wow! I am always amazed by your organisation and productivity. Do you have time to sleep? It’s brilliant that you managed to get some ‘me’ time and run. xxx
No worries at all, always here whenever you fancy sharing! I do like to be busy 🙂 x
Wow sounds like a good, busy week! I started going to legs, bums and tums last week and hurt so much. However after this weeks class I wasn’t as bad. Hope you have a good weekend x
The first is always the worst! You, too x
Busy and productive! I want to go back to running now inspired by you!
Great – go for it!
Good luck with the swimming. We avoided it for so long with our kids (mainly because i was terrified of them drowning!) but now we are all going once a week as a family and my eldest is having lessons. They are all loving being in the water and it is such an important skill to master.
She seems keen, and I plan for my son to join her when he turns 3, too – fingers crossed it’ll all go smoothly now!
Now, that sounds like the perfect week to me! I would be astonished to have achieved so much, especially the running bit! I hope you continue to get things ticked off your to-do list (along with plenty of time for R&R!).
I was pleased! Might rest a bit more this week…!
I love having weeks like this, sounds like you were busy but it was worthwhile 🙂
Feels very satisfying 🙂
Wow that really is a productive week! Well done on the running and great news about Boo and swimming. Monkey has so far hated swimming lessons too so it is good to know she loves it now she is a bit older! Xx
Yes, we’ve just got back from her second lesson & she remains enthused! X
‘Productive’ is great! Well done again on the running. Bathroom makeover sounds fun, it’s nice giving things a bit of a spruce up. Boo to the tax return! xx #WotW
I do like to freshen things up every now and again – the kitchen’s next on the list! Thanks x
Hi Jocelyn,
FINALLY, I was able to write a WotW post and join in on the link-up. So sorry it has been a few weeks!
You definitely did have a productive week. I am rather envious as my week was mundane! lol Thank you for hosting WotW every week, I love participating in it!
Hope you are enjoying your weekend!
Much love,
Lysa xx
I do like productive! So lovely to have you back, always here whenever you fancy dropping by! x
I love a good productive week! x
As do I! x
It sounds like you had a very good week. YAY for starting running and your daughters swimming lessons x
Thank you!