Word of the Week 3/6/16

Hello and welcome to Word of the Week!

If you’re new here, Word of the Week is a nice and simple weekly linky, with everyone welcome to pop by and share. You reflect back on the past week and sum it up in one word. Then share your word with us in a blog post, with as little or as much explanation as you like. It’s a fun and friendly linky, so please do be lovely and visit as many of the other blogs as you can and share with them your thoughts on their words and weeks. I do comment on every entry to the linky, and if you add the Word of the Week badge to your post to help spread the ‘word’, I also tweet them out.

My word of the week this week is:


It’s been a funny, old week. Not bad, just unpredictable.

We’ve had some plans change and some fall through, which we hadn’t expected. It’s changed a few of our coming weekends about. Not necessarily for the worse, I just didn’t see the changes coming.

There’s been some lovely, fun projects coming through and potential collaborations to work on, and then there’s also been some ideas that have fallen by the wayside. I do quite like the nature of blogging that no one day is the same and you never know what interesting offers might next come your way, all part of an unpredictable but exciting week.

I’ve been in a strange mood myself, too. Some moments up and energetic, some focused and positive and then some, quite irritable and downhearted. A very mixed bag. I think it’s mostly down to the extra pressures that this week brings juggling having the kids at home, blog work, plans for birthdays next week and of course, my exam today. I guess I was always going to have a funny old week this week. Mid-week, Little Man had an awful night barely sleeping, which meant of course that I barely slept, and I doubt that helped my equilibrium. So I myself have been unpredictable, but my poor husband has put up with it!

And then there’s the weather. We had a lovely day out in the garden all day on Sunday, then we were back in warm clothes and snug inside by mid-week as it poured. What is the weather up to?!

So yes, it’s been an odd one. Here’s hoping next week is more predictable and all goes to plan.

What about you? What one word sums up your week best?

Please grab the badge, link up and share.

The Reading Residence

Linky opens at 6.30am Friday, to midnight on Sunday.


Sharing is caring!

35 thoughts on “Word of the Week 3/6/16”

  1. Those kind of weeks are so unsettling! Hate it when plans gets changed and you lose where you are for a bit. Hope the exam still goes well and you have had fun with the kids. Here’s to a good night’s sleep later and a bit weekend that is warmer! Thanks for hosting xx

  2. Good luck with your exam.today! No wonder youve been a bit up and down all over the place this week with that looming and it being half term. Im sure you will do well though and things will be back on an even keel next week xxx

  3. Hi Jocelyn, bet you’re glad the end of the week is here at last and before I forget, I hope you sail through your exam! I cope better with unpredictability when I myself feel good, so to have to cope with changing plans with limited sleep and an exam to study for, you are bound to be all over the place yourself.

    Hope you get the chance to wind down over the week end and that next week is more predictable for you.

    Thanks for hosting.


  4. Pingback: Word of the Week 3/6/2016 Quiet #WotW | early rising mum

  5. Although unpredictable can be good sometimes I much prefer a few weeks of predictability where everything goes to plan and runs smoothly but such is life, I hope next week is a lot more predictable for you #WotW

  6. Can totally relate to this, not least with the weather – the south east of England seems to have hit it bad this week! I do hope your exam went ok. x

  7. Hope your exam went ok Jocelyn? Life with children is always unpredictable. We’ve had a good half term. Weather hasnt been that great but all in all a good week.

  8. I can certainly understand the need to juggle things with the kids being off. Sorry to hear that some things have fallen through. Thanks for hosting #WotW

  9. it’s tricky when things feel a little off-kilter isn’t it. Well done for getting through the week, and here’s hoping the next one is better! x

  10. I really dislike plans changing, maybe because I’m a bit set in my ways and like to know what I’m doing when. Its great to hear you have some exciting projects on the way! xx

    Thanks for hosting x

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