The kids are going back to school next week, and I feel a bit strange about it all, to be honest.
They have been off since March, that is a long time. We have found a rhythm, we have little routines that we are used to, there are things that we are going to miss. Ordinary things.
They need to get back to school, they need a return to normality. My girl is looking forward to it, looking forward to seeing all of her friends and settling into her final year at primary school. Little Man is not quite as keen, and to be honest, he’s much more focused on his birthday as that’s next week, than school. I think either way, there will be wobbles. I think they will have moments in their day when they will miss being at home. Miss being able to cuddle. And most of all, because I know how the pecking order really works around here, they will miss Herbie.
Both of them are prepared for the fact that school won’t be the same as they knew it. They both have different start and finish time for starters (so that’ll be fun) and then they understand about year group bubbles. I don’t think they can really imagine how it’ll be until they get there and they see how it will all work for themselves. Of course they will be in new classrooms and have new teachers, though for the first few days back they will settle back in with their old teachers.
There will be changes. There are after school clubs and lunchtime activities that won’t be taking place. I can’t imagine that they will be able to see each other throughout the day. But then there will be familiarity, they will be surrounded by their friends, and both of them are fortunate to be in truly lovely classes, the kids are great. Familiar teachers, routines, even clothing. It will make a change from joggers or shorts every day!
And how do I feel about it? To be completely truthful, I am all over the place with it. I am happy for them, happy for them to grab back some normal life. I know they will enjoy it and I am confident that they won’t struggle with adjusting to the work again. I am also looking forward to being able to get my head down and work, to find my own Monday to Friday routine around blog work and Herbie walks once more.
But I am going to miss them, even though there have been moments! I am used to them being around me all of the time. ALL of the time! I am used to having them with me on our dog walks, I am used to having company and chatting over lunch, I am used to being able to grab and cuddle them whenever I want to, and most of all, I am used to being in complete control of their safety.
I can’t quite picture how it will all work. I struggle to see how they will make it through the whole term, as what happens when kids get the inevitable coughs and temperatures that autumn term brings? I’ll be interested to see how it’ll all be managed, and I am mentally preparing myself that there might be more time at home at some point. We will see, who knows? Who knows anything at all in 2020?!
It is what it is. They need to go back. And we will no doubt all adjust in no time at all, just as we always do.
Here’s to a fun return for them both, and for all of those children returning.
If your kids are going back in, how are you feeling about it?
I am looking forward to my girls going back to school and college and they are too. They have missed it. At the same time I am anxious about it but the school are releasing new information every day which is reassuring. I sure am going to miss them, the house will be so quiet.
It will be, it’ll be strange. I know we’ll all get used to it in no time, though. I hope all goes smoothly for your girls x