Word of the Week – 29/8/14

Thank you so much for continuing to share and to link up, I do appreciate and enjoy reading every single WotW post.

If you’re new here, Word of the Week is a nice and simple weekly linky, with everyone welcome to pop by and share. You reflect back on the past week and sum it up in one word. Then share your word with us in a blog post, with as little or as much explanation as you like. I comment on and tweet out every post, and it’s a friendly place, so come join in! All that I ask is that if you link up, you link back to me, and visit as many of the other blogs as you can and comment on their words.

My word of the week this week is:


I nearly went for ‘final’, but that sounded, well, too final and somehow quite negative.

I’ve been very aware this week that it’s the last week of the school holidays, which for us, means the last week of having Boo at home with us most of the time. She’ll be starting in reception next week, albeit just half days until the following week. This is also Little Man’s last week of being 1. Yes, my baby turns 2 next week, and I can’t believe where the time has gone with either of them. And so I’ve been savouring the moments, the ordinary moments. The lazy mornings, the way they sit right next to each other at snack time, Little Man sleeping in his cot (a new big boy bed will be here soon!), the playtimes together, sometimes calm, sometimes chaotic. I’ve even savoured the bickering, and I’ve been freakishly patient with them this week, which isn’t something I’m that good with normally, but seeing it in a different light has had me savouring every single moment.

What about you? What one word sums up your week best? Please grab the badge, link up and share.

The Reading Residence

Linky opens at 6.30am Friday, to midnight on Sunday.

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42 thoughts on “Word of the Week – 29/8/14”

  1. Gosh, a big week for you all next week, savour is definitely the word for your week. I hope Boo’s first few days goes well and Little Man has a lovely birthday.
    (Not sure why my pic has gone on it’s side)
    Jeannette x

  2. Wow lots going on next week! It is a big change for you all but you will soon love the time you and little man have together
    And you will treasure every weekend. I hope little man has a lovely birthday and that boo loves school x

  3. A great word to describe the week and I think I’ve been self-consciously savouring the moments with my little man before returning to work next week.
    Such a big week for you next weeks with your little girl starting school. Good luck and I hope it all goes smoothly. xx

  4. The perfect word. Absorbing every little movement is precious at this point as school changes them so much!
    I hope Little Man has a wonderful 2nd birthday and Boo loves every second of school. And that you find pleasure in this new chapter of parenting. Xx

  5. That’s a lovely word for what must be a very bittersweet week for you in many ways. Enjoy all those previous moments and hope all goes well with Boo starting school next week and hope Little Man has a great birthday. Jessica turns 3 in just over a week so am savouring these last few days of her still being 2 x

    1. Thanks, Louise. It is bittersweet, but I’m going to keep savouring those moments until I have to let go x

  6. It is nice to take the time to savour the moments. It’s a shame we don’t all do it more often. I too am trying to enjoy these last two weeks of the school summer holidays as I know that once school starts up again life gets crazy.

    I hope Boo enjoys her half days at school and for your sake I hope that Little Man skips the terrible twos!

    Now I’m off to savour another cup of coffee!…Thank you for hosting.

    1. It’s easy to let time rush by, and we all do it. It’s only now I’ve a clear countdown on that I’m savouring the time. Oh, he’s already hit the terrible twos, so I’m just hoping it passes soon! Hope you enjoyed the coffee 🙂

  7. Lovely word. It is lovely to enjoy the little things, I find them the most noticeably absent from the house when the boys start back at school too. Good luck to Boo next week, although I am sure she will love it. x

  8. A big week ahead!
    But I love those ‘wake up call’ moments, when we can just sit back and enjoy our chaotic lives… Realizing that mad as they might be… They’re also beautiful <3

    Thanks for hosting 🙂

  9. Love your choice and what a good reminder for all of us to sit and stare at those special moments that happen every day amongst all the stress and juggling.
    All the best to your two on the milestones ahead

    1. It’s easy to caught up in the every day, but when you’re very aware that it’s all about to change, you do pause and enjoy more. Thanks, Kate x

  10. What a really positive way of looking at your week. I can so empathise your thoughts about Boo not being around, as Little Mister starts pre-school next week, so I will be home alone for parts of the week. But it sounds like you’re taking everything in and there will be different opportunities to savour and new discoveries you’ll have with one at school and a toddler! Lovely word #wotw

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